SPRO Scent Series Insta Worm 110


Spro Scent Series featuring custom made lures, designed for a wide range of effective lure fishing techniques. Superb for Carolina, Texas, and Dropshot rig, or Jigging from bank and boat. All Scent Series softbaits are made from environmental friendly material which is injected with our powerfull attractor, I.T.F “Instant Trigger Formula”, triggering even the most cautious of predators. This gives you extra seconds of advantage to set the hook successfully, as the fish holds the bait in its mouth a little longer.

Worms always have had a great effect on predatory fish. Especially big Perch, Zander, Black Bass and even Seabass simply love worm imitations. Spro launches the “worm snack” with the Scent Series Insta Worm. The body is equipped with 28 ridges, which cause seductive vibrations under water and make the softbait more supple which makes it easier for the fish to inhale the softbait. The big head and extended “saddle” of the Insta Worm allows you to rig the softbait in a versatile way. Carolina, Texas, Dropshot and even traditional jigging are all possible with the Insta Worm. Powered with our I.T.F ( Instant Trigger Formula ) and all made from environment friendly material.

SPRO Scent Series Insta Worm 110
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