Berkley Power Swimmer


The Berkley PowerBait Power Swimmer is a super versatile soft lure that can be used for multiple rigging options such as a weighted swim bait, jig head, A-rigs, spinnerbaits, Texas rigs and Carolina rigs.

This lure has a soft bodied construction with a ribbed body that produces a natural movement when swimming through the water. It also features a paddle tail that will thump erratically from side to side creating a highly attractive movement.

The lures are loaded with the exclusive PowerBait formula for added scent and taste attraction. Fish love PowerBait so much they can hold on 18 times longer, giving you the time and confidence to feel more bites – set more hooks and catch more fish!

The Berkley PowerBait Power Swimmer is available in different colours for you to choose from in our drop down menu.

Multi-purpose bait used for countless scenarios
Reliable paddletail actions that attract fish
Eye-popping colours
Multiple rigging options

Berkley Power Swimmer
£5.99 Select options